Friday, March 03, 2006

Trying to find cruise control...

Wow, this week has totally whipped me. I am completely drained of all emotion. A few thoughts to sum it up. I so miss my old friend, and hope that one day we will see eye to eye again. I realized that no matter what was said or thought, I would forgive that dude in a heartbeat. I also miss the friendship that I had with my exgirlfriend. Over the years, we did so many things together. I hope one day we can grab a beer and chat the night away - just like we used to. On a positive note, I am still digging into the dating scene. I was lucky enough to come across this woman who really just intrigues the hell outta me. Cheers to seeing where that goes. Well, time for me to take my flu riddled ass home for the night. I hope this finds each and everyone of you doing well and happy. Thought this week: If it is hard as hell to get, then keep on fighting because odds are it truly is worth it.

Peace out ya'll.


Blogger Amayaky said...

Thanks for the comment, hun. I needed to read that because after writing that entry I seriously thought I was going crazy or being over dramatic. And I absolutely hate drama queens can image how I was. It's comforting to know that someone in the majority can see where I'm coming from.

I hope things between you and that "intriguing woman" turns out in your favor. Remember, you are cat's meow. I'm a dork.

Much love,

9:10 PM  

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