Tuesday, November 15, 2005

When your dreams are running on fumes.....

.....keep on dreaming! I have noticed that everytime I get home from a vacation, my brain starts working in overdrive. Its not that I am glad to be back, but more that I seem to come back being overly refreshed. I end up burning through all the work that has backed up, and then I am stuck with my thoughts of the prior vacation.

Thinking about things that happened, people I met, and places that I was able to see. Inevitably, the thoughts of moving there start to creep in my head. Then I start thinking about how to meet up with all the people that were with me in said location. In the end, you just have to sit back and laugh it all off. There is just no way to recreate all the experiences, no matter how hard we try. Or is there?????

I guess that you just have to cherish the moment, both as you live it and as you relive it in your mind.


Blogger Amayaky said...

Your blog is just so positive and well...better than mine lol I guess there has be balance, your the ying and I'm the yang.

My entry was inspired by Barbra Walters saying that she was on a plane and the two guys in front of her were making out and doing other things un their complimentary blankets.Their seats were bent back too! There's was no sex or dry humping going on. But she didn't say anything to them. Personally, I don't care if the couple is gay or straight if they're invading my space (with the chair bending) or doing that in front of my kid I'm going to speak up.

10:52 AM  

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