Monday, September 18, 2006

It's all about starting over.

Aloha ya'll!

So, after a very long time behind the wheel of my favorite (and only for that matter) ride - I really got alot of thinking done about things. I think that I have been overthinking things way too much. Been so involved in my own head, that I really have not been paying attention to life as it is going by. I know that I tend to do that, but never as bad as I have recently. Its like I thought I should be down about things, and then I really did start becoming down about things. Not really happy with how that is working out, so its off to form a new mindset.

Do ya ever just wish you were an animal or something? I mean seriously, how hard could life be for some ducks? Gotta be a good life strutting around a pond for the day, right?

Anyways, I am starting back at square one since the other path I have taken didn't really do my head any favors. Things have changed alot over the last few weeks (or maybe its been a month now), and I really am headed in a different direction......again. I will keep ya'll posted as to how things are working out. This time around, I am starting off with a smile - and plan on keeping that sly grin plastered on my face for the long run. Going to be an interesting couple of months ahead, and I will post as much here as I want to be public knowledge. The rest will get Z Rated and maybe get released in the unedited version on DVD?!?!? Ya never know, do ya????

Adios, take care, and give someone speacial to you a hug~

The Wiz

"The trouble is that you think you have time. " Jack Kornfield

Friday, September 15, 2006

Movin' on and on and on....

Just another day, and a quickie for anyone left out there still reading this thing. Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend - I know that I am going to try! For those of you out there who are still trying to live in your own little fantasy worlds, have a good time. The rest of us are going to chill in reality and not let the drama take over. My personal life was everyones business, but guess what? That show just got canceled and its time for me to roll the credits, hide out on my own, and just step waaayyyy outta the spotlight. See ya'll around......maybe.

The Wiz

Sunday, September 10, 2006

One Day at a Time.....

Wow, I hate that fucking saying. Its like saying that someone is not strong enough to deal with the lengthy time span that is life. As if getting by one day at a time will make the next day any better. Then I realized what that meant. It really has nothing to do with tomorrow, as much as it does with yesterday. As humans, we really dont have enough time to understand each and every encounter, emotion, and circumstance that we deal with everyday. Sometimes it takes another day just to realize what in the hell happened yesterday. Sometimes it takes a heck of a lot more than just one day to figure things out. So I guess that living for each day is a great idea, as long as you get some time each day to think about yesterday and days gone by prior to that. Seems like time moves so much faster as you get older. The weekends are shorter, and the work days so much longer. When did that happen? So cheers to today, thoughts of yesterday, and absolutely no concern about tomorrow. It will get here soon enough......

The Wiz